

In the previous post, I said the only way to preserve your personal style while keeping up with fashion trends is to know your style, as simple as it might sound, most of us don’t know our style, we wake up everyday and just put on clothes. What if I told you that everyone has style? You just need to move some pieces around to make it show. I’m gonna help you find your style in 3 steps

Step 1: Pay Attention to Your Go to Pieces
Again this may sound basic but if you don’t really care about what you wear chances are your subconscious mind is picking your clothes. In order to really discover your style, pay attention to what you wear for a week. Don’t change anything about what you wear, just focus on the similarities between the type of clothes, shoes, purses etc that you wear (remember not the things you own, what you actually wear). For example,  my style could be described as neutral toned, comfortable and extra. Whenever i’m picking out my clothes especially in a hurry my subconscious mind goes for these three.

Step 2: Look in a Full Mirror
I’m sure at this point your are like….woooooot but trust me on this one. Whenever you dress up look into the mirror and save a snapshot in your brain of the outfits that made you say “damn I look and feel good”. When I say dressed up, I don’t mean getting dolled up, I literally mean putting on clothes.

Step 3: Your Style
Now that you have overcomed the mindfulness part, your style is the components of what you were wearing on the days you said “damn I look and feel good“. Once you figure out what was similar on at least 3 of these occasions, you have found your style. Discovering your style would make sure you don’t get lost in this constantly changing fashionable world and allow you to stand out.

Your style would change as your grow and evolve but there would always be some consistency no matter how much you change, as long as you have nailed your signature style. Figuring this out would ensure that you don’t get lost as the fashion world changes.

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