
What Fills my Bucket?

These past couple of weeks have been weird for me. My motivation has been zero and I have just been in a state which I can’t explain. I was talking to a couple of friends this week and we were talking about what fills your bucket and it got me thinking about the things that I care about and what I want to be remembered and known for. So here are some of the things that fill my bucket.

Ensuring that Everyone’s Voice is Heard and Everyone Feels Included
Working in corporate America with HiPPOs (Highest paid person’s opinion) can be challenging because sometimes people associate rank and pay to value that people bring to the table. This is dangerous because it kills creativity and shuts people up. Whether in the work space or in my personal life, I always try to make people feel heard and include those on the sideline. This is important to me because I know what it feels like to be alone in a room full of people and have your voice and ideas shut down. I want people to feel like they are the most important person in the room when they are talking to me, no matter who they are. I want to give a voice to the voiceless.

Giving Back
I value giving back whether it is through volunteering or doing something nice for the people I care about. I love deep and my main love language is quality time, so really spending time with people and doing something which makes them happy or make their life a little easier makes me happy.

Whenever I create I feel whole. Whether it is through writing, designing clothes or just putting outfits together. I get a breath of fresh air whenever I can tap into and use my monkey brain.

Intellectually Challenged
I am one of those people who gets bored of repetition which is why I love when things change and when I can challenge myself to think outside of the box and problem solve. Intellectually challenge to me also means stimulating conversations which helps me learn, grow and have AHA moments. I see myself as a sponge who always has room to absorb new information and perspectives and grow. Learning something new or a new skill always fills my bucket.

Connecting with People
Sometimes I get so busy and overwhelmed with my work and life that I just stay in my bubble and don’t reach out to people. I have learned not to take the people in my life for granted and make an effort to reach out to them and check-in on what’s going on in their lives. Sometimes, I complain that I am alone when there so many people who are a couple of miles away or just a phone call away. One thing which I have started doing is I have a list people I need to connect with and I write down a word or sentence about something which is going on in their life which I ask about or support them. Never underestimate the power of having real bonds with people who can be there for you and love you through your worst days.

I have learned that I really need to be intentional with how I show up for people and myself. I also pray that on days when I feel down and empty, I can read this post and do sometime to fill my empt bucket. Getting clarity on what fills your bucket will help you on those days when you are feeling low. It will also bring you back to your center when you go off track.

2 replies on “What Fills my Bucket?”

Thanks for sharing about what’s going on and how your working towards your personal development – I really enjoyed reading it!


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